Fire Extinguisher 101: Ensuring Readiness and How OHS Compliance Group Supports You

Fire extinguishers are essential tools for safety, but like all safety equipment, they require regular maintenance to ensure they’re in proper working condition. Knowing how to check if your fire extinguisher is still intact can be the difference between effectively controlling a small fire or facing a more dangerous situation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to […]

Best Workplace Safety Tips for a Secure and Productive Environment

Ensuring the safety of employees in the workplace is not just a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility. In today’s fast-paced work environments, maintaining up-to-date safety protocols is essential for the well-being of employees and the smooth operation of any business. This blog will explore the importance of updating safety protocols, the role of […]

Job Hazard Analysis- An effective technique for Workplace Hazard Identification

ohs group 

 What is Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)? Job Hazard Analysis breaks a job or task into specific steps, analyzes each step for specific hazards, develops safe work procedures to eliminate or reduce those hazards, and integrates safe work procedures into safety and health programs. JHA’s must be developed for each job or task. Supervisors and workers […]

10 Principles of Health and Safety Management

ohs group 

Need to improve your health and safety management? Want to create a more positive health and safety culture? You can, and what’s more, it doesn’t have to be costly. Start with these ten essential principles for your health and safety management system. Is health and safety sometimes an afterthought in your work? Do you constantly […]

10 Fatigue Hazards Prevalent in a Workplace

ohs group 

What is Fatigue? Fatigue refers to an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. The term is used to describe mental and/or physical exhaustion that stops a person from being able to function normally and is more than simply feeling sleepy. Factors both in and outside of the workplace can be sources of fatigue. […]

6 Easy Steps to Coordinating an Effective Ergonomics Assessment

ohs group 

Ergonomics (or human factors engineering) is the study of workplace conditions, and its goal is to change the working environment (furniture, equipment, the pace of work, etc.) to fit the physical requirements and limitations of employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines ergonomic disorders (EDs) as a range of health ailments arising from […]

7 Guidelines to a Safer Office Environment

Office ergonomics

Offices tend to be safer environments in comparison with other workplace environments such as construction sites or mining operations. However, an alarming number of hazards exist in most office settings. Health hazards are not limited to worksites filled with heavy machinery and equipment, office buildings can be fraught with danger too.  Employers have an absolute […]

6 Common Workplace Injuries and Accidents

Incident Investigation

Every industry has its own risks and exposures that lead to workplace incidents.  Most common types of workplace injuries keep workers away from work and leads to loss in production days. The top 5 occupations with the largest number of workplace injuries resulting in days away from work are; Services (such as police and fire-fighters), […]

6 Qualities of a Health & Safety Leader

Health and Safety Leader

  6 Qualities of an effective Health & Safety leader A health and safety leader is the first person who ensures that workers do their job safely and promotes workplace health and safety. [sdm_download id=”undefined” fancy=”0″ color=”green”]H&S professionals are the internal experts for H&S within their respective organizations. Safety experts, safety managers and OHS Specialists […]

The Importance Of A Health & Safety Audit

health and safety audit

A Call For Action To Improve Occupational Health And Safety In South Africa And A Critical Look At The Existing Legal Requirement And Legislation (By Benny –  OHS Compliance Group) The fatal fire at Gauteng government building in the Johannesburg CBD on Wednesday, 05 September, 2018, calls for concern- Three firefighters died in the process. […]